Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pancake Mix

Disclaimer: No students or animals were hurt in the production of this video.  The contents of this video, including the preference for Pancake Mix rather than Waffle Batter, is not the expressed view of Berean Christian Academy.  Berean Christian Academy also does not promote hating one's own life except to die to oneself and live for Christ.

10th Grade: Julius Caesar Project

Hello, 10th Graders!  The play is the thing, and the play is now!  Literally.  You all are reading William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," and it is time to start some application.  Therefore, you have all joined the Roman Senate, and the school is your Theater!  Instead of Julius Caesar, you are going to plot against a different rule: Coach Caesar.  Each day in class we will read sections of the play.  Your job will be to apply the plotting done by Shakespeare's characters to the distruction of your own Head of State. In essense, you will plot to bring down the power of Coach!  This should be interesting.  I look forward to seeing the drama unfold.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Promotional Video for the Yearbook DVD

The Berean Christian Academy Journalism class is creating a Yearbook DVD this year, and we are looking for Sponsors!  You can support our school by purchasing $10, $20, $50, or $100 ad spots in the DVD.  By doing so you will not only support our kids' educations, but you will also be able to advertise your business to the many parents, friends, and family members of our students.  We would appreciate your support.  Please enjoy this video featuring our school Spirit Week.

For a $10 donation, you will receive an advertisement featured in a separate clip at the end of the Yearbook videos.
For a $20 donation, you will receive an advertisement embedded in a spot in any of our class photos or slideshows.
For a donation of $50, three advertisements or a spotlighted advertisement (more view time and a text title after the ad) will appear in a slideshow or class photos.
For a donation of $100, we will showcase your own video or commercial in the Yearbook DVD.