Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tim's Country Corner

Hey my name is Tim im gonna tell you a little about (CFC) "Cowboys for Christ, was founded in 1970 and is a ministry that God has called to reach out to the livestock industry worldwide.Everyone is welcome,you dont have to be in the livestock industry or a Cowboy or Cowgirl to be a part of this group.We are highly evangelical and very mission minded.We don't take the place of the local church.We work with local churches to fill the Kingdom of God.The doors of Cowboys for Christ fellowships are always open to everyone;the saved and the unsaved,city and country folks alike.Come as you are.God Bless you all and see you on the trail".

Cowboys for Christ is a not for profit organization,so your contribution is totally tax deductible and goes to further the Kingdom of God.So please help us to move ahead and bring the message to people so they can know the Lord Jesus

Sarah Gave Blood!

Today (Tuesday December 13th) Sarah Lorrayne Swank gave blood and she didn't pass out. They tried to do it in her left arm but she wasn't pumping blood. So they tried the left and they got bloood :) Thank you for praying for her she lived through blood giving!

                                                      Manaka Honez :)

Worst Christmas Presents

With every good present, there is probaably some bad  ones. Here are some worst Christmas presents teachers and students have ever had:

Mr.Nowland- " a very feminine shirt"

 Coach- " spending Christmas with myself... it was very hard"

 Jaylyn- " a doll I never play with"

 Katelyn-" underwear"

 Caleb Hoenshell- " a cup"

 Well, those are some of the worst presents that are teachers and students have ever had. Have a great Christmas!!!  :)

 - Austin

Best Christmas Present Ever!

We went around asking everyone what their favorite Christmas present was and these are the results.

Mr. Nowland: a leather jacket

Coach: he got a red bicycle when he was nine

Jalynn: she got an American Girl doll named Jenny

Katelyn: the doll action figure of Repunsel from Tangled

Caleb: I got a neat go-cart thing a few years back, but it turned evil and ran into my dad's shed.

I hope you enjoyed these results as much as I did, stay tuned for these people's worst Christmas presents being written by Austin!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Favorite thing about christmas?

I asked the question" What is your favorite thing about christmas?", we got some very interresting answers and here they are:
Mr.Knowland said family visitation, refreshing The Christmas Story, remembering christmas, and good food. Coach said pumpkin spice milk, and a razor backs tree (which he doesnt have). Jaylnn Presson said that her family the best part. Katelyn Cook said that the pretty bells were her favorite part of christmas. Last but certainly not least Caleb H. said that that his favorite part is waking up earlier than everyone else and eationg santa's cookies.
By: Brooke Keeling

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas is just around the corner!

It's that time of the year again! Christmas is just around the corner. We will all be busy shopping for gifts and making big dinners and what not. However we are taught that Christmas isn't all about present's and candy and unicorn's. Jesus Christ is the true meaning of christmas! So in all of the hustle and bustle of this holiday season, be sure and remember our Savior that was born on this special day!

                                                                                 Merry Christmas,
Today is a thursday so that means its the weekend, so have fun!!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Teacher Of The Week Mrs. Hall

Name: Mrs. Hall

Favorite School Memory: (babysitting Tony Martin)   Playing Basketball

Do You Think God Wants You Here At BCA?  Yes

Why?  Because When It Was Offerd To Me It Felt Like The Right Choice.

Favorite Color:  Red

Favorite Food: Mexican

Favorite Movie: Courageous

Student Of The Week Carter Lucas

Name: Carter

Favorite Thing To Do: Play With Dog  and  Swim

Favorite Food: Spaghetti

Do You Feel Like God Wants You Here At BCA?  Yes

Why Do You Think So?  Because I Have Made Lots Of Friends

Favorite Color: Green

Movie: Scooby Doo

Fvorite Toys: Toys Gun