As Christians, we fight to stop the sins in America such as adultery, pornography, homosexuality, racism, divorce, and abortion. The problem with fighting back is that we use the Bible as our answer to all of these questions, and the Bible has been proclaimed by unbelievers to be a flawed book, filled with fairy tales and mythical writings. So how do we fight these everyday situations using a supposedly “flawed” document? We disprove the foundations of their belief and prove that the Bible is the infallible Word of God.
The foundation that most of these situations are based on is the theories of evolution and the Big Bang. These theories have tried to give physical and scientific evidence of its supposed truth. Unfortunately for evolutionists, this theory goes against the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics says that you cannot create or destroy matter. The Big Bang theory plainly states that everything was created from nothing. If everything is natural and no miracles are scientifically possible, then this theory is false because in order for this to work you would have to create matter. How did we get the certain amount of matter that we have now? What was the cause for matter to appear from nothing, but then become limited?
The second law of thermodynamics states that you cannot create order out of chaos. The whole process of evolution is chaos. “Survival of the fittest” is one of the most barbaric life styles that the theory of evolution has created. Complex live organisms cannot rearrange themselves into an organism of a higher form as claimed by evolutionists. This is scientifically backwards. Scientists cannot have it both ways. The second law of thermodynamics is proven to be correct. Evolution lacks any scientific proof. Evolution is simply an empty theory.
As far as we know, there has been no scientific proof that a species can change the number of chromosomes they have within their DNA. The amount of chromosomes in each species is set and unchangeable. Man could not have evolved from another species because if an animal were to develop an extra chromosome or lose a chromosome because of a possible deformity, it would not be able to successfully reproduce with the animal of the same species. This defect could not be passed down to the next generation and proves that evolution is scientifically impossible.
In the public school systems it is against the law to teach the Bible as being true because it is based on a faith. However, evolutionists and big bang theorists all agree that the world began from an explosion that produced the universe. If you ask any of them today, they will tell you that they do not know where the atom that caused the explosion came from. So, the very people that hiss like a cat at the word “faith” claim they know the big bang created the universe, but they don’t know how. Is that not faith? Trusting in something you have no evidence for? If this is a faith, just like all the religions of the world, why is it that it is being taught as fact in our public school system?
There are many evidences proving the Bible, such as the founding or Noah’s Ark, the founding of Mount Sinai, and the fact that there is a whole civilization that is throughout the entire Bible; Israel. Archeologists have proven that the Bible is a historical document. The Smithsonian Department of Anthropology said “Much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archeological work. For the most part, historical events described took place and the peoples cited really existed. This is not to say that names of all peoples and places mentioned can be identified today, or that every event as reported in the historical books happened exactly as stated.” This and many other organizations have found historical evidence of the Bible’s truth. From the chronological orders of the kings ruled in the Bible, to the languages that were used during that time (Agard).
The length of evidences against evolution and for the truths of the Bible is endless. Still, with all of this proof at hand, why is evolution continuing to be taught in public as fact. Statistics show that America has become a wicked nation since they stopped teaching the Bible as fact.
· Sexually transmitted diseases - Gonorrhea: ages 15-16 - Up 226%
· Scholastic Aptitude Test Scores - Decline in Student - From 980 in 1963 to 900 in 1990
· Divorce Rates - Up 111% since 1963
· Unmarried Couples - Up 536% since the mid 1960's
· Unwed Birth Rates - Up 325% since 1963
· Pregnancies To Girls Ages 10 thru 14 - Up 553% since 1963. The difference between the two figures is being aborted.
· Violent Crime Offenses - Up 995% since 1963. (Yakov)
Its time America needs to be taught the truth. All these atheists have tried to disprove the Bible and prove something completely false. All in all, it is not that man can’t find God, it’s that he won’t find God. Because of man’s ignorance towards evidence, America has become a wicked nation. When you start teaching people that they are animals, they start acting like animals.
Works Cited
Agard, Bill, and Margeret Agard. "Historical Proofs of the Bible." The Amazing Bible Timeline. Bible Charts and Maps, LLC, 2005. Web. 13 Dec 2010.
Yakov, David. "One Nation Under God?." Delusion Resistance. Delusion Resistance, 05/12/2010. Web. 13 Dec 2010. <
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