One thing a highschool usually wants to have is a large multi-purpose building. A large multi-purpose bulidng can benefit a school by giving them a large assembly room for different activities like, plays, chapel, and sporting events. A bigger gym/multi-purpose room would be my first suggestion to add to this school because if we had a gym we wouldnt have to travel for a long ways to go to home games. I know many parents and many staff memebers would want this to happen as well as me. But this is not about what this school needs, it's about what I would want a school to have if I had a say in what would happen. So let me begin....
A large multi-purpose building would be beneficial to any school because, as its name suggests, it can be used for many more things than just one activity. For example, it can be used as a gym when sporting events, such as basketball or volleyball games, are scheduled. It can also function as an area to perform chapel, like we do now, and it is also great for plays if you have bleahcers for people to see what's happening on the "stage." At my old school, they used their gym for basketball games, volleyball games, plays, meetings (at times), and chapel when we couldn't go to the church. It can also be used for recess when the it is raining outside.
So, as you can see, a multi-purpose building is a very versital building in which many different activities can be held. For this reason I think that a large multi-purpose building would be a good choice next to just regular school rooms for teaching. The school I used to go to even uses their muti-purpose to hold carnivals to raise money for their school. So this is why any school should have a multi-purpose building or a large gym are which is practically the same thing.
Calenb Hoenshell
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