Tuesday, September 11, 2012

John the Sea Turtle

Once upon a time there was a baby sea turtle named John. One day, John and his mother got into an argument and he swam away from home. After at least an hour of swimming, John realized that he no longer recognized his surroundings and it was beginning to get dark. So he turned around and started making his way back home. After a while, he realized that nothing was familiar to him and he began to get very scared. He began to see an outline of something in the distance. It was growing larger every second. John began to shake and cry at the thoughts of what the apporaching image would be. He was so scared he just closed his eyes and braced for impact. "JJJOOOOHHHHHNNNNN!" This boominig voice scared John very much until he opened his eyes and realized that it was his mother. "I've been looking everywhere for you! I was so worried!" She scooped John up in her arms and they swam home and lived happily ever after.

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